Virtual Reality (VR) can be addictive especially if you are playing games. The immersive experience can distract and completely block your view of your actual surroundings.

Please note the following:

  • Review surroundings and clear obstacles
    • Recommend to sit on a rotational chair when viewing our 3D Tour in VR mode.
    • If you must stand, ensure you are in a safe environment.
    • Remember the chairs and items you see inside the VR are not real, do not try to sit or stand on them or use them for support.
  • Take a 15 mins break every hour
  • Discontinue immediately if you experience motion sickness, dizziness, nausea, any forms of discomfort or anytime you forget you are not in the real world.
  • Not for children under 13 years old
  • Do not share the headsets with any person with contagious skin, eye or scalp conditions.
  • Clean the headsets after every use with skin-friendly non-alcoholic antibacterial wipes.

Disclaimer: You are strongly encouraged to follow above guidelines when viewing a VR Space. Chio Space Pte Ltd, the property owner or its agent cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or injury suffered as a result of viewing a VR Tour in our websites. If you are unsure, please do not view any VR Space now.  Consult with your doctor or qualified healthcare professional for further advice.